| By: Aleksandra Mialo Werneck | Aug 29, 2017
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How I Cope With Netflix Addiction

After catching myself watching How I Met Your Mother for the 9th time (yes, I'm addicted to HIMYM...), my husband asked me why I like rewatching TV shows so much. To be honest, I don't even know how Person watching TVmany times I've watched Gilmore Girls (my favorite TV show ever) and Friends. Not to mention the random episodes I rewatch from some other shows whenever I feel like it, which I was not able to do before Netflix was invented - yes, kids, there has been such a time.

"The truth is," I told him, "I have gotten seriously addicted to TV shows, and after spending some entire weekends doing Netflix marathons, I started noticing how unhealthy and time-consuming this can be. Then I found out that if I just rewatch old ones I don't feel the urge to watch every single episode of every single season in one weekend, because I already know the plot. I do forget some details from the stories, but I know the main events and stories. This way I can be a productive and healthy human being, instead of becoming a Netflix junkie! Also, I love to have some background noise while I'm doing house chores."

He shook his head in disapproval.

He probably doesn't get where I'm coming from because he's a movie guy. He likes watching movies better than TV shows and he knows every single name of every single Hollywood actor, actress and director! He's not very fond of TV shows. This is why it's so annoying when we start watching a show together, it takes forever for us to finish watching, and sometimes I just go ahead and start watching it by myself!

Ok guys, I hope you enjoyed the post, but now you'll have to excuse me, 'cause I'm about to watch the final episode of Game of Thrones! (no spoilers, please)