| By: After All | Aug 16, 2017
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"Things Americans Don't Realize Are Weird"

Buzzfeed has recently posted a list of "23 Things Americans Don't Realize Are Weird". Take a look at them:

1. Air conditioning everywhere, pumped up to the max.
2. All the commercial breaks on TV.
3. The huge gaps in the toilet doors.
4. The obsession with icy cold water.
5. The thing you call French bread.
6. Having a hundred flavors of everything.
7. Flags everywhere.
8. Not having the tax included on the price tag.
9. Laws changing from state to state.
10. Ads for lawyers and doctors.
11. The size of your highways.
12. Your f* unit system.
13. Commercials for prescribed drugs.
14. Waiters asking you if everything is okay all the time.
15. Pharmacies where you can fill up on beer and cigarettes along with your prescription drugs.
16. The size of cars.
17. People out in the world in their PJs.
18. When "how are you?" actually means "hello" and people DGAF about how you are.
19. Wall-mounted showerheads.
20. The fact that all your currency looks identical.
21. Getting carded when you're old enough to be a grandparent.
22. Weirdly flavored lattes.
23. Easy Cheese


to pump something up - to increase something by a large amount
commercial - commercial is advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio
ad - a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about a job
to fill up on something - to make something completely full
PJ - pajamas
DGAF (don't give a fuck) - to not be interested in or worried about something or someone
to card - to ask someone to show you a document, especially an identity card, in order to prove how old they are
Easy Cheese - trademark for a processed cheese spread product

If you want to see the original post, click here.