| By: Denise Granja | Oct 07, 2020
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How to end conversations

Many times we're obliged to be part of conversations we are not interested in at all. How can we escape from pointless, boring, or simply inconvenient chit-chats? Here are 2 steps you can take:
1. Break in the conversation with listen, look, or hey. Interrupt with an imperative and get the other person's attention.
2. Tell the person what you have to do. Be honest. Or at least pretend you're busy in a convincing way. Add something nice if possible:
- Listen, I gotta go. It was nice talking to / meeting / seeing you.
- I don't want to keep you any longer. I have a meeting to go to now.
- I'll let you carry on then. Thanks again for the lovely evening.
Notice the clever use of "was". It means "the conversation was nice, but now it's over."

Smooth ways to end a conversation
- I’ve got about five minutes to talk. What's up?
- I have about one more minute before I have to go, but let me finish with this thought.
- I’ve got to run. I’m a little behind on some work.
- I’ve got to get going. I have some projects I have to get back on.
- I’m a little behind on some work. It was really great catching up.
- I’m so glad I bumped into you. Now I've got to get going.
- This was a great conversation. I’m really sorry, but I do have to get going.
- I apologize, but I have got to go to my meeting now.