| By: Denise Granja | Mar 03, 2020
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Expressions for Online Classes

Here are some useful sentences for online lessons on Skype, Zoom or Hangouts:
Before the call starts...
- Can you join the call? / Are you ready to start?
- I’ll call you in 2 minutes. / I’ll call you back in 2 minutes. / I’ll call you in a moment. / I'll call you in a sec.
When you have problems...
- Can you hear me? / Do you hear me?
- I can’t hear you very well.
- Can you see me? / Do you see me?
When you want to share your screen:
- I'll share my screen with you now / Can you share your screen with me?
When you need the other person to activate their video:
- Can you turn the camera on, please?
When the other person is on mute:
- I think you are on mute. / Your microphone might be turned off.
When the other person's voice is breaking:
- You’re breaking up!
- The connection’s bad.
- Hold on. I'll hang up and call you right back.
When the call is lost:
- The call dropped. / We got cut off.
When there is noise:
- Can you speak up, please?
- I hear some noise in the background / when you speak.
When you cannot understand:
- Can you speak more slowly, please?
- Can you repeat that last bit, please?
- I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?
- Your voice is really low. Can you get closer to the microphone?
When you're late:
- I’m sorry, I’m late. / I’m sorry for being late.
When someone else is calling you:
- I need to take this call. / I’ve got to take this call.