| By: Denise Granja | Dec 11, 2017
Report issue


So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young*

Let's see some of the words that are related to December with their definitions:

Christmas - (the period just before and after) 25 December, a Christian holy day that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ

Christmas Eve - the day before Christmas Day

Merry Christmas! - said at Christmas to wish people a pleasant Christmas period

Santa Claus - the imaginary old man with long, white hair and a beard and a red coat who is believed by children to bring them presents at Christmas, or a person who dresses as this character for children

Secret Santa - an arrangement in which each person in a group buys a Christmas present for one other person, without the person knowing who bought the present

Dirty Santa / Yankee Swap / White Elephant - a gift-exchange game in which people buy random gifts and put them on a table. Each participant chooses one gift to open or can "steal" from another participant

Christmas tree - a real or artificial fir tree that is decorated and kept in the home at Christmas

eggnog - a drink made from milk, sugar, and eggs, often mixed with alcohol such as brandy or rum

mistletoe - an evergreen plant that grows on trees, with small, white fruits and pale yellow flowers. Mistletoe is often used as a Christmas decoration, and it is traditional to kiss someone under it

gift swap/exchange - to give a gift and receive a gift back

gift-wrap - to cover something intended as a present with attractive paper


1. Now complete the sentences using a word from the list:

a) This year I'm preparing a special recipe for        . I love drinking it after Christmas dinner!

b) I got a Christmas card which only had a sentence written: "       Chrismas"!

c) People from HR are organizing the        this year. Last year I got an amazing gift from my boss!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

*John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)