| By: After All | Oct 02, 2017
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I could say I love cats, but I have to face the truth: I'm a crazy cat lady! If you plan on having a cat and joining the club, here are some tips for you:

Prepare your house
Before adopting the cat, it is important to make sure your house is ready. It is important to have safety nets installed to protect it from falling out from your windows.

Buy only what's essential
Instead of spending all you money on things your cat will probably ignore, focus on the basic items below:
- a litterbox and litter
- a carrier
- cat food
- bowl for the food and a bigger one for the water (or a fountain, if it's possible!)

There are many NGOs devoted to cats. I volunteer at Adote Um Gatinho and we have more than 450 cats available for adoption.

Choose a vet who truly knows how to deal with cats
Cats are different than dogs and need special attention.

Spay/neuter your cat
According to ASPCA, by spaying or neutering your cat, you’ll help control the pet homelessness crisis, which results in many abandoned cats on the streets. In addition, there are medical and behavioral benefits to spaying and neutering your cat.

Spay - female animals
Neuter - male animals

Toys and scratching posts
If you like your furniture, give your cat some options to scratch on and different types of toys so that they can have fun!


Take a look at the picture and complete the sentence:

Cat 1Cats have long        that should never be cut.